At each meeting, members are allowed to submit up to three (3) digital images as long as no more than 2 are in any one category. The competitions are for our enjoyment only and are a way for NPPNW members to show off some of their photography.  There are no prizes, but top scoring images will be displayed on the NPPNW website.  Judges are volunteers from our club and are not professional judges.  Different judges are used for each of the three categories.

Here are the guidelines.  For information on how your images will be judged, see the Judging Guidelines page.


LIMITED HAND OF MAN – We will again use a “limited hand of man” rule.  Any people or man made objects in the entry should not be a major or significant portion of the image. Images not meeting this criteria may receive zero points.


Midnight – Saturday, October 19, 2024

Members are allowed to submit up to three (3) digital images as long as no more than 2 are in any one category. Send  your images as an attachment to:

Include text in your email message that gives the Category and Title of your images.  No watermarks (names or logos) on the images will be allowed.   All images for the competition must be received by the deadline above.

Receipt:  Once your images are received, a confirmation of receipt will be sent for every submitted image. If you do not receive a confirmation email by the deadline for submissions, please contact us at .


Files must be jpegs.  Optimum file size is 1440 px on the long side at 300 dpi.  (No smaller)


The file names for submitted images must be in the following format: Category – Image Title by FirstName LastName.jpg

  • Here is an example:
    Scenic – Sunrise Over the Rockies by John Doe.jpg

Please follow these file naming guidelines:

  1. Use spaces to separate each word and use proper capitalization. DO NOT use ALL CAPS and no_underscores.
  2. Your images can be divided amongst the following categories: Plant Life — Scenic — Wildlife
  3. It is your responsibility to be sure your image file is labeled for the proper category.  We will not take responsibility for photos that are submitted to the wrong category.


File names will later become the Titles when we upload the winning images to the NPPNW web site.  Your help in following these guidelines is greatly appreciated by the person who readies your images for projection and for uploading to the website afterwards.  It will also expedite the process of posting the winning images on the NPPNW website within a few weeks after the meeting.  Please do your best to make the job easier!


In addition, members are also encouraged to bring a maximum of Three (3) prints to the meeting, again as long as no more than 2 are in the same category.   The print registration desk will open at 8:30 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  No prints will be accepted after 9:45 a.m.


The prints may be matted but not framed.  Due to space limitations we must limit the height + width dimensions (including mat) to more than 40 inches i.e. a 16 x 20 inch print would total 36 inches.  The categories for the print competitions are the same as those for the projected images: Plant Life, Scenic, and Wildlife.  No watermarks (names or logos) will be allowed.  Failure to follow these guidelines will disqualify your print.


The back of your print must include the image title, your full name and your phone number.


Print makers must pick up their prints before leaving the meeting.  (Please do not remove prints until the winning prints have been announced and shown in the auditorium.)

Owners of winning images are asked to submit digital copies of their images within one week after the competition for display on the web site.  Your file should be 1440 px on the longest side at 300 dpi.  Do not watermark your images.  Send digital copies of your prints to: .  Please note that this is a different email address than the digital submission email address.

Some winning images from past competitions